Powered mobility device use in residential aged care: a retrospective audit of incidents and injuries

The publication of the first part of the 3-part research program can be accessed via this link https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6430-2823

The work is titled – Powered mobility device use in residential aged care: a retrospective audit of incidents and injuries. The paper provides a snapshot of the type and frequency of powered mobility device use related incidents and injuries, within a sample of residential aged care settings in Australia across a 12 month period.

OT AUS 2023 Presentation

“Validating a new powered mobility device screening tool for residential aged care” was presented at the OT AUS 2023 conference in Cairns on June 21, 2023. The conference was a successful and productive opportunity to network and engage with other researchers in the field. The PoMoDARS was well received and interest very much appreciated by the authors.